Steady Progress at Ghana Training Center

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Training Center

November 2012

Steady progress continues with the construction of the young adult farmers’ training center in a rural community outside of Kumasi, Ghana.

The building will provide classroom space for 25 trainees who will receive both instruction and hands on experience beginning with chicken and turkey production. Rabbit production will be introduced later in the year.

Training Center Classroom Washroom Office Grid7

Training Center Classroom and Office

The Ghana Self-Help staff along with area agricultural professors are finishing the training curriculum, appropriate for grass roots farm men and women.

Excitement is in the air as Self-Help gets closer to initiating this new program designed to provide new skills and means to increase income beyond crop production.  New options allow young families to increase income and remain on the farm. Your support will help us to furnish the classroom so that we are able to begin instruction in early 2013.

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