Taking Their Skills to the Next Level

Taking Their Skills to the Next Level

In February, our Nicaragua Training Center hosted three sessions in the “Dr. Dale Harpstead Classroom,” one training for each of...

No Longer Forced to Save Rainwater in El Rótulo

No Longer Forced to Save Rainwater in El Rótulo

For many years, Nueva Armenia was a rural, agricultural community that was a 10 kilometer trek by horse (or by...

Teamwork Brings Ovens to La Venada

Teamwork Brings Ovens to La Venada

“My wife could have her own oven and wouldn’t have to go to other houses to rent one, which means...

Introducing Double Row Corn Technology to Nicaragua’s Farmers

Introducing Double Row Corn Technology to Nicaragua’s Farmers

By Jorge Campos Solis – Country Program Director Farmers evaluate the double groove application Technification, innovation, invention or topological designs...

Remembering Fred Strohbehn

Remembering Fred Strohbehn

By Bert Schou, Self-Help International Board of Directors Fred Strohbehn was a farmer, a man of faith, and a philanthropist...

“We are happy, because now, we are drinking pure water”

“We are happy, because now, we are drinking pure water”

    La Venada No. 2, also knowns as La Venada Arriba, is a rural community of San Carlos municipality...

Building a Business, Providing Lunch for School Children

Building a Business, Providing Lunch for School Children

Lorenza Leonor Maradiaga Aguilar, 43, is a native of the Los Chiles community, about 30 kms from the big city...

Self-Help News: Spring Edition Newsletter is Here!

Self-Help News: Spring Edition Newsletter is Here!


Stoves Improving Health & Benefiting 96 Families!

Stoves Improving Health & Benefiting 96 Families!

In the area of San Carlos, Rio San Juan, around 96 families have, over the past six months, experienced first...

We Feel Safer with Chlorinated Water

We Feel Safer with Chlorinated Water

“We know that paying for the chlorine tablets is worth it. We can feel the difference!” Socorro is one of...

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