Teen Girls Club Renovates Classroom

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Before the renovation

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After the renovation

Kukubuso is a small community located in the Atwima Mponua District in the Ashanti region of Ghana that has SHI Teen Girls Club. It is primarily a farming community that is challenged in areas such as water, energy, land, health services, education, transport and market sectors.

One of the major challenges the community faces is with the education sector. While there is a school in Kukubuso, the structures were not conducive to a productive learning environment.

There are about 250 students enrolled in Kukubuso. Many of the classrooms do not have a cement floor or the walls are not completed. Especially in the lower grades (equivalent to preschool and kindergarten in the US school system), this meant students were sitting and playing on the dirt floor.

One of the projects of the Teen Girls Club is an annual service project. In 2021, seven graduates from Kukubuso, after going through leadership, self-esteem, and confidence training, started a project to begin renovations of their classroom. Self-Help supported them with bags of cement, paint and other building materials. They also met their community opinion leaders to solicit their support by organizing a labor force for the renovation of the classroom. Their hard work paid off and the students have a brighter and cleaner classroom to play and learn in every day. The students were proud to make their community a better place to live.

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