Vera’s Story, Moving Forward to Senior High School

Vera Boamah, now in her first year of senior high school at Wesley High School in the town of Bekwai, shared with Self-Help International’s Ghana staff about the impact the Teen Girls Club had on her academic life and how much pride she now takes in her accomplishments.

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Vera Reading

“Before the reading lessons from the Teen Girls Club (TGC), I was constantly worried about how I was going to pass my Basic Education Certificate Exams (BECE). The BECE are essential for anyone wanting to climb the ladder of higher education in Ghana. Reading comprehension has always been a challenge for many students in rural Ghana, and it dissuades a lot of students from going to school. Additionally, constructing simple English sentences is a headache for many of us students.

At the senior high school level, I knew there would be no one to help me read and understand what I was being taught in class or during prep time. So, when my village of Bedabour was presented with the opportunity to learn through the Self-Help International (SHI) TGC, I gladly took it. I can recall the joy in my heart the first time I was able to read and understand what I was reading. Now that I can read and comprehend what I am being taught in class, I am always excited to pick up my books and study!

Thanks to TGC, I have not only passed my junior high school exams – I can also speak in English with other students from the city at my school. Although I have not mastered the language, being able to express myself a little has really boosted my self-esteem.

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Vera and Her Friends at a TGC Meeting

TGC also gave me the opportunity to learn how to use and own a cutlery set for the first time in my life during an entire lesson on eating with utensils.  This helped with my confidence while living in the city. Many students in rural villages have never owned a cutlery set and don’t know how to use it, but students from the city do know how to use it.  Some students from the city were making fun of those who couldn’t use the cutlery set properly, and I was able to imagine the embarrassment I would have gone through in the dining hall if I hadn’t owned a cutlery set.  I was saved from that embarrassment thanks to TGC’s cutlery lesson. I’m more than grateful to SHI for TGC and the many other things SHI is doing in the rural communities and for the underprivileged in Ghana.”

Because of the time spent focusing on the essentials of a solid education, girls like Vera have the opportunity to advance to senior high school and beyond to university. It is our hope and mission for all of our girls in the communities we serve that they will succeed and further their opportunities in life. By teaching them basic skills, they will be able to improve their lives with dignity. A special thank you to all of Self-Help International’s donors across the globe for their support to young girls in rural Ghana like Vera because these girls will grow up and become representatives for their communities.

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  1. […] will come back and transform our community. Right now, through the lives of girls like Ahodwo, Vera, Nahaajat etc, (all past members of the TGC), the younger girls have realized that if they put […]

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