Nourishing curious and energetic children

Nataly Grid7

Nataly’s mother brought her to the Cico Bodegon (daycare and feeding center) in Las Azucenas, Nicaragua in May of 2010. She was worried about the toll that hunger was having on her daughters, especially her 4-month-old, Nataly.  Nataly was extremely underweight, malnourished, and lethargic.

When measured based on 100 point malnutrition and growth assessment scale, Nataly was a 10. Her condition was extremely serious. Daycare and Self-Help staff immediately recognized the urgency of Nataly’s situation and began feeding her QPM porridge in small amounts at intervals throughout the morning. Nataly’s mother was informed of the grave situation and was encouraged to bring Nataly to the feeding center as often as possible.

Nataly and sister Grid7She brought Nataly and her sister to the center five days each week. In the following seven months Nataly gained almost 8 pounds. By the time she was 15 months old, Nataly was a healthy, 22 pound baby and closer to the normal range with a score of 30!  While she still has a ways to go, Self Help is thrilled with her progress.  Nataly’s 4 year old sister has also gained weight and, according to their mother, both girls are becoming more active and energetic.

“Nataly is gaining weight and has a lot more energy,” says her mother. The daycare center’s staff says it is gratifying to see healthier minds and bodies that are both curious and energetic.

This highly digestible protein supplement literally saves lives. Furthermore, measurable improvements in nutrition and childhood development occur, thanks to supporters of the Self-Help International’s feeding program for young children”, says Merry Fredrick, Self Help International Executive Director. “Kudos to our donors who care about those less fortunate.”

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