
Hands-on training for youth

August 1, 2014
Things I hear I forget. Things I see I remember. Things I do I understand. In May 2014 during the 53rd Diocesan Synod of the Kumasi Diocese ...

Local Students Visit Training Center

May 2, 2014
In March, students and staff from Toase Roman Catholic Junior High School paid a two-day educational visit to the Frances Mueller and Virgin...

Abass continues to make progress

January 31, 2014
Abass Kwarteng graduated from high school in 2007, but due to financial constraints he was unable to further his education. In March 2013, h...

Abena alleviates hunger through her small business

December 4, 2013
In Ghana, West Africa, lands are small in size and owned by agricultural indigenes. Commercial farming is nearly impossible within these lan...

Training Center Produces a Young Entrepreneur

November 4, 2013
Abass, 33, completed high school in 2007 but was unable to go further due to financial restraints. He struggled to secure himself any reliab...

Fall 2013 Newsletter

September 22, 2013
We’re thrilled to share the progress made on the new training center in Ghana, which will help rural youth gain the skills they need t...

Classes underway at new training center

August 2, 2013
The first class began at the Ghana Young Adult Training Center in March 2013 with 21 trainees who received technical and hands-on training i...

For Barrison, the search is over

May 3, 2013
Barrison is a trainee at the Self-Help International Young Adult Training Center. He travels 16km twice weekly to the center, sometimes on f...

Training Center Nears Completion

February 6, 2013
In January 2013, I visited the Young Adult Training Center, and was very impressed with its progress. Furnishings are coming in for the clas...

Training Center Project Underway

August 8, 2012
August 2012 Self-Help International is setting its sights high in Ghana in an effort to reduce the migration of young farmers into its overp...

Stakes and Stakeholders Established for New Training Center in Ghana

May 10, 2012
2012 Ground has been broken on the acre of land at Nkwakrom in the district of Atwima Nwabiagya for the young adult farmer training center. ...
207 20th St. NW Ste. A Waverly, IA 50677
3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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